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Monday, December 22, 2014

Pure “Bank Transactions and Transfers” with General Ledger Journal Details – SQL Script

In Dynamics GP, the bank is affected by other modules such as Receivables and Payables. Pure bank transactions include increase adjustment, decrease adjustment, check, withdrawal and Bank Transfer. In this post, an SQL script is provided to drill link the “pure” bank transactions with their associated general ledger journals.

To simplify the overall target, here is a chart illustrating the basic Dynamics GP modules, it shows how any other module related to the “Bank Reconciliation” is excluded, only transactions entered on the Bank Reconciliation module is retrieved.

Dynamics GP Modules

Pure Bank Transactions with their associated Journals –
>> Related Article: ERP Modules Data Flow


The data set view is shown below:

Data Set view


--Tables Included:

  • CM00100  | CM Check Book Master
  • CM20200  | CM Transactions
  • CM20300  | CM Receipts
  • GL20000  | Year to Date Transactions Open
  • GL30000  | Account Transaction History


CMRECNUM 'CM ReconNumber' ,
CMTrxNum 'CM Transaction Number',
           TRXDATE AS 'CM Transactin Date',
           CASE X.VOIDED
              WHEN 1 THEN 'Yes'
              WHEN 0 THEN 'No'
           END AS 'Voided',
           CMTRXTPE 'CM Transaction Type',
           paidtorcvdfrom 'Paid To/Received From',
           DSCRIPTN 'Description',
           JRNENTRY 'Journal Entry',
           DEBITAMT 'Debit Amount',
           CRDTAMNT 'Credit Amount'
          ( SELECT A.CHEKBKID ,
                            A.sRecNum ,
                            A.CMTrxNum ,
                            A.TRXDATE ,
                            CASE A.CMTrxType
                                   WHEN 1 THEN 'Deposit'
                                   WHEN 3 THEN 'Check'
                                   WHEN 4 THEN 'Withdrawal'
                                   WHEN 5 THEN 'Increase Adjustment'
                                   WHEN 6 THEN 'Decrease Adjustment'
                                   WHEN 7 THEN 'Transfer'
                                   ELSE ''
                            END AS CMTRXTPE ,
                            A.paidtorcvdfrom ,
                                    WHEN A.DSCRIPTN = ' '
AND A.CMTrxType <> 7
                                     THEN 'Bank Transaction Entry'
                                    WHEN A.DSCRIPTN = ' '
                                    AND A.CMTrxType = 7
                     THEN 'Bank Transfer Entry'
                                     ELSE A.DSCRIPTN
                            END AS DSCRIPTN ,
                            A.AUDITTRAIL ,
                            A.SRCDOCNUM ,
                            FROM   CM20200 AS A
                LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.CM00100 AS B 
                ON A.CHEKBKID = B.CHEKBKID
                UNION ALL
                SELECT    A.CHEKBKID ,
                B.ACTINDX ,
                A.CMRECNUM ,
                A.sRecNum ,
                A.RCPTNMBR ,
                A.RECEIPTDATE ,
                CASE A.RcpType
                                    WHEN 1 THEN 'ReceiptCheck'
                                    WHEN 2 THEN 'ReceiptCash'
                                    WHEN 3 THEN 'ReceiptCreditCard'
                                    ELSE ''
                END AS ReceiptType ,
                A.RcvdFrom ,
                CASE A.DSCRIPTN
                                    WHEN ' ' THEN 'Bank Transaction Entry'
                                    ELSE A.DSCRIPTN
                END AS DSCRIPTN ,
                A.AUDITTRAIL ,
                A.SRCDOCNUM ,
                FROM   dbo.CM20300 AS A
                LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.CM00100 AS B
                ON A.CHEKBKID = B.CHEKBKID
                ) AS X
                          A.DEBITAMT ,
                          A.CRDTAMNT ,
                          A.ACTINDX ,
                          B.CHEKBKID ,
                          A.REFRENCE ,
                          A.SOURCDOC ,
                          A.ORGNTSRC ,
                          A.ORMSTRNM ,
                          A.ORMSTRID ,
                          A.ORDOCNUM ,
                          A.ORTRXSRC ,
                                   DEBITAMT ,
                                   CRDTAMNT ,
                                   ACTINDX ,
                                   REFRENCE ,
                                   SOURCDOC ,
                                   ORGNTSRC ,
                                   ORMSTRNM ,
                                   ORMSTRID ,
                                   ORDOCNUM ,
                                   ORTRXSRC ,
                                   FROM   dbo.GL20000
                                   UNION ALL
                                   SELECT JRNENTRY ,
                                   DEBITAMT ,
                                   CRDTAMNT ,
                                   ACTINDX ,
                                   REFRENCE ,
                                   SOURCDOC ,
                                   ORGNTSRC ,
                                   ORMSTRNM ,
                                   ORMSTRID ,
                                   ORDOCNUM ,
                                   ORTRXSRC ,
                                   FROM   dbo.GL30000
                                   ) AS A
                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.CM00100 AS B 
                                   ON A.ACTINDX = B.ACTINDX
                                   ) AS Y 
ON ( 
                                   X.ACTINDX = Y.ACTINDX
                                   AND X.DSCRIPTN = Y.REFRENCE
                                   AND X.CHEKBKID = Y.ORMSTRID
                                   AND X.AUDITTRAIL = Y.ORGNTSRC
                                   AND X.AUDITTRAIL = Y.ORTRXSRC
                                   AND X.CMTrxNum = Y.ORDOCNUM
                                   AND X.CMTRXTPE IN 
( 'Increase Adjustment',
                                                    'Decrease Adjustment',
                                                    'Check', 'Withdrawal',
                                       X.ACTINDX = Y.ACTINDX
                                                 AND X.DSCRIPTN = Y.REFRENCE
                                                 AND X.AUDITTRAIL = Y.ORTRXSRC
                                                 AND X.CMTrxNum = Y.ORDOCNUM
                                                 AND X.CMTRXTPE = 'Transfer'

Download Link >>>> Click here to download the SQL script.

Previous related article Reconcile Checkbooks to General Ledger – SQL Script

Best Regards,
Mahmoud M. AlSaadi


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