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Monday, April 13, 2015

Attachment Report – All Attachments (Cards and Transactions)

Recently in Convergence 2015, new promising features of Dynamics GP were introduced including an interesting one; All in one document viewer tool. The next coming release will start with the “Purchasing” all in one document viewer which include the Purchase Order, shipments, invoices and payments, according to an article published on MSDynamicsWorld quoted from Chad Sogge; R&D principal program manager speaking at Convergence 2015. 

As related to this topic, GP Essentials blog started a series of attachment reports covering items, customers and vendors so far. In this post, I am providing a report for all the attachment stored in the system with associated details such as; module, screen name, attachment status, file type, attachment name …etc. and most importantly the “Size”, this is quite important in order to monitor the size of attachments in your database.

Here is the report details:

Attachment Report

Tables included:

  • CO00101
  • CO00102
  • CO00104


Field Definition | CO00101.ODESCTN

  • CC - Customer Maintenance
  • FO - Fulfillment Order
  • IC - Item Maintenance
  • PI - Purchasing Enter Match Invoice
  • PO - Purchase Order
  • PS - Purchasing Receiving Transaction Entry
  • REQ - Requisition
  • SI - Sales Invoice
  • SO - Sales Order
  • SQ - Sales Quotation
  • Vendor - Vendor Maintenance
  • PM - Payable Transaction



Creation Date: The 14th of April, 2015

Created by: Mahmoud M. AlSaadi

The main purpose of the script is to list all attachments in Dynamics GP


Revision History:

Revision No.            RevisionDate    Description

1                       14/04/2015      Original Version




                  Second_Slash - First_Slash - 1) AS Module ,

        SUBSTRING(RTRIM(LTRIM(BusObjKey)), Second_Slash + 1,

                  Third_Slash - Second_Slash - 1) AS Screen ,


          WHEN 'CC' THEN 'Customer Maintenance'

          WHEN 'FO' THEN 'Fulfillment Order'

          WHEN 'IC' THEN 'Item Maintenance'

          WHEN 'PI' THEN 'Purchasing Enter Match Invoice'

          WHEN 'PO' THEN 'Purchase Order'

          WHEN 'PS' THEN 'Purchasing Receiving Transaction Entry'

          WHEN 'REQ' THEN 'Requisition'

          WHEN 'SI' THEN 'Sales Invoice'

          WHEN 'SO' THEN 'Sales Order'

          WHEN 'SQ' THEN 'Sales Quotation'

          WHEN 'Vendor' THEN 'Vendor Maintenance'

          WHEN 'PM' THEN 'Payable Transaction'

          ELSE ''

        END AS Entity_Description ,

        AttachmentStatus ,


                    Second_Slash + 1,

                       Third_Slash - Second_Slash - 1)

          WHEN 'Payables Transaction'

          THEN REPLACE


                 Third_Slash + 2,

                 Fourth_Slash -

                            Third_Slash), '\', ''),

                 '~', '')

          WHEN 'Sales Order'



                           Third_Slash + 2,

                           Fourth_Slash - Third_Slash), '\', ''),

                '~', '')

          WHEN 'Sales Order Line'



                Third_Slash + 2,

                Fourth_Slash - Third_Slash), '\', ''),

                '~', '')

          ELSE REPLACE(


                Third_Slash + 1,

                Fourth_Slash - Third_Slash), '\', ''),

                       '~', '')

        END AS 'Card/Transaction Number' ,

        DOCNUMBR AS DocumentNumber ,

        fileName ,

        FileType ,

        Size ,

        CASE SEQNumberIndex

          WHEN 0 THEN ''

          ELSE RIGHT(RTRIM(LTRIM(BusObjKey)),

                     LEN(RTRIM(LTRIM(BusObjKey))) - SEQNumberIndex)

        END AS LineSequenceNumber ,

              --ORD ,

        CASE ISNULL(DELETE1, '')

          WHEN 1 THEN 'Yes'

          ELSE 'No'

        END AS Deleted ,

        A.CRUSRID AS CreatedUser ,

        A.CREATDDT AS CreatedDate ,

        A.CREATETIME AS CreatedTime ,

        AllowAttachmentFlow ,

        ODESCTN ,

        Deletable ,

        Replaced_Attachment ,

        BusObjKey ,



                     CHARINDEX('\', RTRIM(X.BusObjKey), 1) First_Slash ,

            CHARINDEX('\', RTRIM(X.BusObjKey),

            CHARINDEX('\', RTRIM(X.BusObjKey), 1) + 1) Second_Slash ,

            CHARINDEX('\', RTRIM(X.BusObjKey),

                     CHARINDEX('\', RTRIM(X.BusObjKey),

                     CHARINDEX('\', RTRIM(X.BusObjKey), 1)

                     + 1) + 1) Third_Slash ,

                     CHARINDEX('\', RTRIM(X.BusObjKey),

                     CHARINDEX('\', RTRIM(X.BusObjKey),

                     CHARINDEX('\', RTRIM(X.BusObjKey),



                     1) + 1) + 1) + 1) AS Fourth ,

                     CASE SUBSTRING(RTRIM(LTRIM(X.BusObjKey)),

                     CHARINDEX('\', RTRIM(X.BusObjKey), 1) + 1,

                     CHARINDEX('\', RTRIM(X.BusObjKey),

                     CHARINDEX('\', RTRIM(X.BusObjKey),

                     1) + 1) - CHARINDEX('\',


                     1) - 1)

                     WHEN 'Sales'

                     THEN CASE CHARINDEX('\', RTRIM(X.BusObjKey),

                     CHARINDEX('\', RTRIM(X.BusObjKey),





                     1) + 1) + 1) + 1)   

                     WHEN 0 THEN 0

                     ELSE CHARINDEX('~', RTRIM(X.BusObjKey),

                     CHARINDEX('\', RTRIM(X.BusObjKey),







                     1) + 1) + 1) + 1))+ 2


            WHEN 'PM'

                     THEN CASE CHARINDEX('\', RTRIM(X.BusObjKey),

                     CHARINDEX('\', RTRIM(X.BusObjKey),





                     1) + 1) + 1) + 1)

                     WHEN 0 THEN 0

                     ELSE CHARINDEX('~', RTRIM(X.BusObjKey),

                     CHARINDEX('\', RTRIM(X.BusObjKey),







                     1) + 1) + 1) + 1))


                     ELSE ''

                     END AS SEQNumberIndex ,

                     CASE CHARINDEX('\', RTRIM(X.BusObjKey),

                     CHARINDEX('\', RTRIM(X.BusObjKey),

                     CHARINDEX('\', RTRIM(X.BusObjKey),



                     1) + 1) + 1) + 1)

                     WHEN 0 THEN LEN(RTRIM(LTRIM(X.BusObjKey)))

                     ELSE CHARINDEX('\', RTRIM(X.BusObjKey),

                     CHARINDEX('\', RTRIM(X.BusObjKey),





                     1) + 1) + 1) + 1)

                    END AS Fourth_Slash ,

                    X.BusObjKey ,

                    X.Attachment_ID ,

                    X.CRUSRID ,

                    X.CREATDDT ,

                    X.CREATETIME ,

                    HISTRX ,

                    AllowAttachmentFlow ,

                    X.DELETE1 ,

                    AllowAttachmentEmail ,

                    AttachmentOrigin ,

                    X.DEX_ROW_ID ,

                    DOCNUMBR ,

                    STRTDSCR ,

                    FileType ,

                    Size ,

                    ORD ,


          FROM      dbo.CO00102 AS X

                    LEFT OUTER JOIN CO00105 AS Y

                                  ON X.Attachment_ID = Y.Attachment_ID

                   AND X.BusObjKey = Y.BusObjKey

                    LEFT OUTER JOIN CO00104 AS Z

                                  ON X.Attachment_ID = Z.Attachment_ID

                              AND X.BusObjKey = Z.BusObjKey

        ) AS A

        LEFT OUTER JOIN CO00101 AS B

              ON A.Attachment_ID = B.Attachment_ID



You may download the SQL Script from here >>> Download Link


Best Regards,
Mahmoud M. AlSaadi


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