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Saturday, August 17, 2013

Business Portal Requisitions - Approval Hierarchy

In order to define the approval cycle workflow for creating requisitions in requisition management in Business Portal, an Approval Hierarchy must be configured defining the following roles;

  • Requisition Administrator
  • Requisition Approver
  • Requisition Purchaser
  • Requisitions Creator

Before creating the approval hierarchy, users must be assigned to one role or more of the ones mentioned above, in order to design a structure “Tree Like” that controls the workflow of the requisitions before being transferred into Purchase Order in Dynamics GP. In order to design an Approval Hierarchy, Go through the following steps;

  1. On the Top-level Business Portal Site > Site Settings 
  2. Go to Requisition Management
  3. Click on Approval Hierarchies
  4. Create a new Approval Hierarchy on the Pick Task section
  5. Name your Approval Hierarchy
  6. Design your Hierarchy including the Roles and Users
  7.  Save 

Approval Hierarchy

Helping Note!

As for the Requisition Creator role specifically, even if you assign it to several users, these users must be explicitly added to the approval hierarchy in order to be able to create requisitions. If the users within the Creator role are not included in the hierarchy as shown above, they will not be granted an access to create requisitions

As for the remaining roles (Administrator, Approver and Purchaser) it is only enough to assign them to the users and these users will be granted the associated permissions.

Approval Limit

Each of the roles/ users within the Approval Hierarchy should be given an Approval Limit, you could choose among the following:

  • Unlimited approval: The user or Role given this access can give a final approval regardless of the requisition amount
  • Specific Amount: The user or Role given this access can give approval to requisitions which their amounts within the approval limit.

The Approval Hierarchy should be assigned to a specific Dynamics GP Company, or several GP Companies. On the other hand, a specific Dynamics GP company can be assigned to one Approval Hierarchy only.




  1. This is great information, but can you help define the process that needs to be in place so email notifications are sent to the users within the hierarchy? Is there some specific workflow we need to create to generate emails or is that workflow already included/embedded within Business Portal? We're using SMTP within SharePoint 3.0 Admin, but emails are not being generated to our requisition users at any stage of a requisition. We do receive emails when we establish alerts on any Business Portal page though.

  2. Great information,thanks for sharing
