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Monday, January 25, 2016

Purchase Order Processing - Prepayment Report

The purchase order processing prepayment has been introduced recently with the release of Dynamics GP 2013, it allows prepayments to be issued and handled while processing the purchase order. The purpose of this article is not to provide a detailed tutorial on "how to setup and use" the prepayment functionality in Dynamics GP, rather it provides a prepayment report. 

The report sample is provided below:

Prepayment Report Sample

The script can be downloaded from this link >  Download Link 

Creation Date: 25 January, 2016
Created by: Mahmoud M. AlSaadi

The script provides a detailed report of the purchase order prepayment

Revision History:
Revision No.            Revision Date     Description
1                       25/01/2016        Original Version
SELECT  PONUMBER PuchaseOrderNumber ,
        PMNTNMBR PaymentNumber ,
        CASE PrepaymentSource
          WHEN 0 THEN 'Edit Checks'
          WHEN 1 THEN 'Manual Payment'
          ELSE ''
        END AS PaymentType ,
          WHEN 0 THEN 'Check'
          WHEN 1 THEN 'Credit Card'
          ELSE ''
        END AS PaymentType ,
          WHEN 0 THEN 'Unposted'
          WHEN 20 THEN 'CheckAssigned to Batch'
          WHEN 80 THEN 'Posted'
          ELSE ''
        END AS PostingStatus ,
        PSTGSTUS ,
        PrepaymentAmount ,
        OriginatingPrepaymentAmt ,
        APPLDAMT AppliedAmount ,
        ORAPPAMT OriginatingAppliedAmount ,
        CURTRXAM CurrentTransactionAmount ,
        ORCTRXAM Or_CurrentTransactionAmount ,
        CHEKBKID CheckBookID ,
        CHEKNMBR CheckNumber ,
        GLPOSTDT GLPostingDate ,
        BACHNUMB BachNumber ,
           FROM    [POP10170];


Best Regards, 
Mahmoud M. AlSaadi