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Friday, May 30, 2014

GP 2013 R2 – New Requisitions Workflow


In Dynamics GP 2013 R2, a new feature is provide so that you can define and configure workflows for Purchase Requisitions. In this post, a thorough explanation for the setup is provided. Further posts will illustrate the transactions and inquiries.

Requisition Workflow Setup

GO To Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Company > Workflow > Workflow Maintenance



In this window, you can setup the workflow for Purchasing, Payroll and Project series. In this post, I will primarily focus on Purchasing – Requisition workflow.


I will create a simple workflow to fulfill the following requirements.

  • In case the items within the requisition are inventorial, approval is to be obtained for User A
    • For inventorial items, the item costs is to be filled out and then approved by the supervisor (which is above User A on the hierarchy)
  • In case the items within the requisition are non inventorial, approval is to be obtained from User B
  • The final approval is to be given based on the details filled out above.




Workflow managers are defined on the Purchase Requisition approval level, click on this node, and you will be able to define the manager as retrieved from Active Directory.



Each step has a corresponding sign in order to determine the type of the step, whether it is a task or approval.


Workflow Options

The options below are related to the overall workflow setup options and configurations.


As illustrated below, the E-mail notifications is to be activated once the E-mail setup for the workflow is configured. To activate notifications, Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Company > Workflow > E mail Message Setup.

Workflow Step Options

For each step, you can set up specific conditions related to several fields derived from the requisition transactions such as;

  • Line account number
  • Line unit/extended cost
  • Line quantity
  • Requisition date
  • Vendor ID
  • many other requisition fields



The order of the workflow steps is defined through each step. In each step, there is an order panel to setup dependencies and order among the steps.


In further posts, related topics to requisition transactions and inquiries will be illustrated.


Best Regards,
Mahmoud M. AlSaadi

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2 Release


The long-awaited Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2 has been finally released along with great new features. It’s available for download on Microsoft Partner Source

Microsoft Dynamic GP 2013 R2 – PartnerSource Download Link

Features and new changes are being published on Dynamics GP Support and Services Blog

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 is a landmark release that offers huge value to our Partners and Customers. For example, simpler, faster, lower-risk deployments with RapidStart Services; an innovative new Web client and improved “hostability”; rich interoperability with other Microsoft technologies such as Office 365; and more than 125 feature enhancements.


Best Regards,
Mahmoud M. AlSaadi

Monday, May 26, 2014

Interesting Finding about KITS


The standard process of setting up Kits items in Dynamics GP is straight forward and simple. It is primarily illustrated as follows:

  • Create a new item, and set the item type to Kit (Cards > Inventory > Item)
  • Setup the Kit components on the (Cards > Inventory > Kits)

After the two steps above have been completed, recording a sales for an inventory item with Kit Type will affect both, sales and inventory modules. The following journal entries are primarily recorded:

Account                   Debit                    Credit

AR                              -              

Sales                                                            -

Inventory                                                  -

COGS                             -              


Test Scenario

Supposing that the Kit item has been configured as illustrated previously, although, the second step has been missing (no components setup has been configured). How would the Sales Order Processing handle the sales of a Kit Item ?

Sales Order processing record the Sales of a kit item regardless of the fact that no components items have been configured. Sales and Revenue are recorded with no associated inventorial effect neither on the Inventory module nor the General Level.

Account                   Debit                    Credit

AR                              -              

Sales                                                            -


Setting Up a Kit Item



Kits Components Item Setup



Sales Transaction and associated Distribution



The bottom line, a Kit item sold on the Sales Order Processing module with no components setup is sold accordingly and handled as a service item.

Best Regards,
Mahmoud M. AlSaadi

Sunday, May 18, 2014

New Book GP2TheMAX by Frank Hamelly


I have got to know Mr. Frank through the Dynamics GP Community, I have always been enthusiastic about his precise, comprehensive and yet efficient answers which shed a light on Dynamics GP issues and inquiries from both business and technical perspective.

Following his blog articles related to Dynamics GP has always been of an absolute added value  for me, and of a considerable insight for those who look to better understand Dynamics GP and enhance their investment to the maximum level.

GP2TheMAX Cover

With the release of his new book GP2TheMax - I Get GP Stuff Done, Mr. Frank gathers what’s considered as the most helpful blog articles. I am definitely looking forward for reading it.

Best Regards,
Mahmoud M. AlSaadi

Friday, May 16, 2014

Purchasing Transactions (POP) with General Ledger Journals Details


In this post, an SQL script is provided to link purchasing transactions from the Purchase Order Processing Module with associated journal entries from the General Ledger module.



Tables Included:

·         POP30300 | Purchasing Receipt History

·         POP10500 | Purchasing Receipt Line Quantities

·         GL20000  | Year to Date Transaction Open

·         GL30000  | Account Transaction History





                    B.VENDORID ,

                    B.POPRCTNM ,

                    A.receiptdate ,

                    A.TRXSORCE ,

                    CASE B.POPTYPE

                      WHEN 1 THEN 'Shipment'

                      WHEN 2 THEN 'Invoice'

                      WHEN 3 THEN 'Shipment-Invoice'

                      WHEN 4 THEN 'Return'

                      WHEN 5 THEN 'Return with Credit'

                      WHEN 6 THEN 'Inventory Return'

                      WHEN 7 THEN 'Inventory Return with Credit'

                      WHEN 8 THEN 'InTransit'

                      ELSE ''

                    END AS POPTYPE ,

                    B.QTYSHPPD ,

                    B.QTYINVCD ,

                    B.ITEMNMBR ,

                    B.TRXLOCTN ,

                    B.UOFM ,

                    B.DATERECD ,

                    B.INVINDX ,

                    B.ACPURIDX ,


          FROM      dbo.POP30300 AS A

                    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.POP10500 AS B

                                  ON A.POPRCTNM = B.POPRCTNM

                                  AND A.VENDORID = B.VENDORID

        ) AS POP


                                    JRNENTRY ,

                                    SUM(DEBITAMT) AS DEBIT ,

                                    SUM(CRDTAMNT) AS CREDIT ,

                                    ORGNTSRC ,

                                    ORCTRNUM ,

                                    ORDOCNUM ,


                          FROM      ( SELECT    SERIES ,

                                                JRNENTRY ,

                                                DEBITAMT ,

                                                CRDTAMNT ,

                                                ORGNTSRC ,

                                                ORCTRNUM ,

                                                ORDOCNUM ,


                                      FROM      dbo.GL20000

                                      WHERE     SERIES = 4

                                      UNION ALL

                                      SELECT    SERIES ,

                                                JRNENTRY ,

                                                DEBITAMT ,

                                                CRDTAMNT ,

                                                ORGNTSRC ,

                                                ORCTRNUM ,

                                                ORDOCNUM ,


                                      FROM      dbo.GL30000

                                      WHERE     SERIES = 4

                                    ) AS GL

                          GROUP BY  SERIES ,

                                    JRNENTRY ,

                                    ORGNTSRC ,

                                    ORCTRNUM ,

                                    ORDOCNUM ,


                        ) AS GL ON ( GL.ORGNTSRC = POP.TRXSORCE

                                     AND GL.ORDOCNUM = POP.POPRCTNM

                                     AND GL.ORCTRNUM = POP.POPRCTNM

                                     AND GL.ORMSTRID = POP.VENDORID





Best Regards,
Mahmoud M. AlSaadi


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Sales Invoices and Returns with General Ledger Journals Details


In this post, an SQL script to link sales invoices and returns from the Sales Order Processing Module with associated journal entries from the General Ledger module.



Tables Included:


·         SOP30200 | Sales Transactions History

·         SOP30300 | Sales Transactions Amounts History

·         GL00100  | Account Master

·         GL00105  | Account Index Master

·         GL20000  | Year to Date Transactions Open

·         GL30000  | Account Transaction History





                      WHEN 1 THEN 'Quote'

                      WHEN 2 THEN 'Order'

                      WHEN 3 THEN 'Invoice'

                      WHEN 4 THEN 'Return'

                      WHEN 5 THEN 'Back Order'

                      WHEN 6 THEN 'Fulfillment Order'

                      ELSE ''

                    END AS SOPTYPE ,

                    A.SOPNUMBE ,

                    A.CUSTNMBR ,

                    A.TRXSORCE ,

                    A.CUSTNAME ,

                    A.DOCDATE ,

                    A.GLPOSTDT ,

                    B.ITEMNMBR ,

                    B.ITEMDESC ,

                    B.QUANTITY ,

                    B.NONINVEN ,

                    B.UOFM ,

                    B.LOCNCODE ,

                    B.INVINDX ,

                    B.UNITCOST ,

                    B.UNITPRCE ,

                    B.XTNDPRCE ,

                    B.EXTDCOST ,

                    GLMS.ACTNUMST AS InventoryAccount ,

                    GLMS.ACTDESCR AS InventoryAccountDescription

          FROM      SOP30200 AS A

                    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.SOP30300 AS B

                    ON A.SOPNUMBE = B.SOPNUMBE

                    LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT    X.ACTINDX ,

                                                X.ACTDESCR ,


                                      FROM      dbo.GL00100 AS X

                                                LEFT OUTER JOIN

                                                dbo.GL00105 AS Y

                                                ON X.ACTINDX = Y.ACTINDX

                                    ) AS GLMS ON GLMS.ACTINDX = B.INVINDX

          WHERE     A.SOPTYPE IN ( 3, 4 )

        ) AS SLS


                                    JRNENTRY ,

                                    SUM(DEBITAMT) AS DEBIT ,

                                    SUM(CRDTAMNT) AS CREDIT ,

                                    ORGNTSRC ,

                                    ORCTRNUM ,

                                    ORDOCNUM ,


                          FROM      ( SELECT    SERIES ,

                                                JRNENTRY ,

                                                DEBITAMT ,

                                                CRDTAMNT ,

                                                ORGNTSRC ,

                                                ORCTRNUM ,

                                                ORDOCNUM ,


                                      FROM      dbo.GL20000

                                      WHERE     SERIES = 3

                                      UNION ALL

                                      SELECT    SERIES ,

                                                JRNENTRY ,

                                                DEBITAMT ,

                                                CRDTAMNT ,

                                                ORGNTSRC ,

                                                ORCTRNUM ,

                                                ORDOCNUM ,


                                      FROM      dbo.GL30000

                                      WHERE     SERIES = 3

                                    ) AS GL

                          GROUP BY  SERIES ,

                                    JRNENTRY ,

                                    ORGNTSRC ,

                                    ORCTRNUM ,

                                    ORDOCNUM ,


                        ) AS GL ON SLS.TRXSORCE = GL.ORGNTSRC

                                   AND SLS.SOPNUMBE = GL.ORDOCNUM

                                   AND SLS.SOPNUMBE = GL.ORCTRNUM

                                   AND SLS.CUSTNMBR = GL.ORMSTRID



Best Regards,
Mahmoud M. AlSaadi