Regardless of the fact that Dynamics GP decimals; either quantity or currency, is fixed during the setup, A business might encounter several cases in which a variance might result from this issue.
The fact is that Dynamics GP deals with decimals as accurate as possible, in order to prevent any variances.
I would like to discuss this issue through a case study in order to thoroughly show how accurate Dynamics GP could be in dealing with currency decimals.
1- Item Card Unit of Measurement:
Case = 6 Pieces
2- Item Card Maintenance:
3- Receiving Transaction Entry:
Unit Cost = 50
UOM = Case
4- Currency Setup:
Currency decimals Places = 2
Now, when the receiving is posted. Dynamics GP encounters a a challenge in dealing with the item unit cost, taking into consideration the following issues
1- IV10200 | Purchase Receipt Work
In purchase receipt work, the cost layer is recorded at the "Base" unit of measurement, considering the currency decimals limitation (which is 2 )
Unit Cost for Base Quantity 50/6 = 8.3333333333 ??
Calculation Methodology:
In order to ensure that the cost is recorded accurately with zero variance, Dynamics GP calculates cost as follows (Smart list below is the Inventory Purchase Receipt):
Dynamics GP splits the transaction quantity into two layers, the first layer quantity is (Total Quantity - 1) , and the other layers quantity is (1). In order to calculate the cost;
- Total Extended Cost (50) / Total Quantity (6) = 8.3333333333
- First Layer Cost: Round(8.3333333333,2) = 8.33
- Second Layer Cost: Total Cost (50) - [ Rounded First Layer Cost (8.33) * First Layer Quantity (5)] = 8.35
Best Regards,
Mahmoud M. AlSaadi