
Sunday, September 13, 2015

Rule of Thumb | Negative Quantity Sold on Item Maintenance

Another common question is brought up by users is related to the item maintenance window, which may displays a negative quantity under the field "Quantity Sold", is this a normal behavior or not ? If so, what's the comprehensive explanation for that. 

Negative Quantity Sold on Item Maintenance Window
Initially, it is quite essential to shed a light on two important definition according to the "language" of Dynamics GP, which is the Quantity Sold in the Purchase Receipt (IV10200) and the Quantity Sold in quantity master or item quantity inquiry (IV00102)

  • Item Quantity Master or Item Quantity Inquiry retrieves data from IV00102, which stores quantities in base unit of measurement, it recalculated associated quantities after every single inventory-related transactions (IV, SOP, POP ...etc). The quantity sold in IV00102 is calculated based on the following equations

    IV00102.Quantity Sold = SOP30300.Quantity Sold - SOP30300.Quantity Returned
  • As for the purchase receipt (IV10200) quantity sold field, it could basically be any "out"  transaction withdrawing from a specific cost layer, such as an adjustment out, POP return, SOP invoice ...etc
In this essence, it is quite logical that it is normal to have a negative quantity sold on the item inquiry window only when Returned Quantities exceeds the Sold Quantities, which results with negative result. 


Item : 128 SDRam
  • Receiving: 100 piece 
  • Sales Invoice:12
  • Adjustment out: 10 
  • Sales Return: 20
Quantity on hand = 100-22 = 78 (excluding sales returns)
Quantity Sold =  12 - 20 = -8 (negative amount)

Item Quantity Calculations

In this essence, having a negative quantity sold on the item maintenance window is a normal behavior due to a expected calculations. But the question remains, how would you have more returned quantities than sold quantities int he sales module ! That's absolutely represents a logical error.

The rule of thumb series is a collection of frequently asked questions either by the community members or clients, the answers to such inquiries have been analyzed and verified by the concerned party. This case is a community thread from 2013 which can be found on this link

Best Regards,
Mahmoud M. AlSaadi

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