
Monday, October 20, 2014

Inventory Reconciliation – Adding new records

It is commonly known that Inventory Reconciliation can mostly handle incorrect balances as it goes through the transactions and recalculates the different balances of the item (quantity on hand, allocated quantity …etc). Although, it does definitely check the data integrity; like check links ,and add new records to the database. In this post, two common scenarios as related to Inventory Reconciliation are illustrated.

Before we start, you may refer to the overall visual explanation and illustration of the inventory reconciliation process on Inventory Reconciliation Flow

1- Added Purchase Receipt for lot number or serial number  | Or, Added Serial Number Reconcile | Or, Added Lot number Reconcile:

One of the primary checks conducted by the IV reconciliation is checking the lot number master and serial number master against inventory purchase receipt. Technically speaking, these are IV00300 and IV00200 against IV10200. The following chart illustrates generally the overall process

IV Reconciliation FlowInventory  Reconciliation Flow – Summarized Representation

Point 2 indicates that lot number master and serial number master are both checked against the purchase receipt cost layers and accordingly the required modifications or corrections are deployed. In other words, the following rules are applied:

Scenario (1) Each purchase receipt for items with either with (lot number /serial number tracking options) should have a master lot or serial number record. If there is a missing record, a new record will be inserted in IV00300 or IV00200

See below reconciliation reports after running the IV Reconciliation Process:

Lot Master

Serial Master

Scenario (2) Visa versa, each open lot number in the IV00300 and serial number in IV00200 will check the associated purchase receipts in IV10200, if there is a purchase receipt missing, a new purchase receipt will be created

See below reconciliation reports after running the IV Reconciliation Process:


ItemSerial Recon


2- Added quantity sold detail record quantity

Point 1 indicates that purchase receipt work and details are to be checked as well. In IV10200, each cost layer has a quantity received and quantity sold, the total number of quantity sold which is stored in IV10200 should match the total of all out transactions in IV10201. In case of mismatch, a RECON record will be created in IV10201 in order to tie the work and details.

See below reconciliation reports after running the IV Reconciliation Process:

Added Recon Record - IV10201

In a previous post, an SQL Script was provided to check the data integrity between purchase receipt work and details before running the reconciliation, if you have no records returned, it means you are on the safe side.

In summary, it is important to take into consideration that Inventory Reconciliation is not only about recalculating the balances and correcting the summary tables, It could definitely insert new records when required for the sake of data integrity.

Best Regards,
Mahmoud M. AlSaadi

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