
Monday, February 3, 2014

Changing/Modifying Item Unit of Measurement Schedule (UOM)


Changes in inventory is a common case, which should be well managed in Dynamics GP. Modifying or changing an item’s unit of measurement is one of these common cases that needs to be well considered before applying any changes on the system.

The scenario goes as follows, you have a new packaging for an item which should be considered in your UOM schedule on the item card window. You simply changes the UOM schedule and an alert message pops up as below;


It simply states that such a change will delete both; the item price list and purchasing options for this specific Item. That’s absolutely correct and could be acceptable. Although, when changing UOM schedule, the last thing I would think of is the above since it is relatively not quite important. Most importantly, what about transactions history !

The following are facts to consider;

  • Inventory tables (IV10200 and IV10201) records transaction in the base unit of measurement regardless of any equivalent measurement assigned to the item. 
  • Historical Inventory Trial Balance (SEE30303) holds both quantities (Quantity in base and transaction quantity)
  • Most importantly, transaction history (IV30300) records transactions as they were initially entered along with the equivalent factor to convert accordingly to the “reporting” UOM entered either in Item Stock inquiry or Historical Stock Status report (which both retrieves data from IV30300)

Further Explanation and Results

Inventory history transactions recorded in IV30300 holds the historical unit at which the transaction was recorded. When printing a "Historical Stock Status" which retrieves data from IV30300, the unit stored in IV30300 will be compared to the master tables IV40201 and IV40202. Improper modifications of unit of measurement schedule or changing the unit of measurement schedule incorrectly will result with the common (divided by zero) error when printing Historical Stock status.

The bottom line is ... can I change or modify the UOM schedule ? The answer is simply, Yes, but with limitations.

Further explanation can be illustrated in the example below;

Current UOM Schedule: X

  • Base UOM: box
  • Case024 = 24 box

New UOM Schedule : New X

  • Base UOM: box
  • Case06 = 6 Box
  • Case024 = 24 box

The modification in the example above is correct and will result with no errors since changes have been well applied considering the historical transactions.

Another Example;

Current UOM Schedule: X

  • Base UOM: Each
  • Case = 24 Each

New UOM Schedule : New X

  • Base UOM: Can
  • Pack = 6 Can
  • Case  = 24 Can

In this example, the relationships between unit of measurement level is corrupted, and therefore further negative ramifications may result when considering the history.

You may refer to knowledge base article KB Article ID: 878352

Best Regards,
Mahmoud M. AlSaadi


  1. Hi I need your help again. How can I adjust inventory in the module without it affecting the GL. I need to remove some items that we had talked about previously.

    Please advise.

    Thank you

    1. Hello Julia
      This can be done either from the posting setup or the inventory module level. The easiest way is to save your inventory transaction to a batch, and uncheck the option "Post to GL" on the batch level. Doing so will affect only the inventory module without recording any journal entries on the GL level

      Best Regards,

  2. where would it say to uncheck "post to GL"

  3. so when i go to:

    Item Transaction Entry

    Where would it say uncheck "post to GL

    OR am I in the wrong place

  4. i need to made adjsutments to all of my inventory items that i print from

    Physical Invnetory checklist

    All the items are incorrect but the $ value is correct so I just want to adjust the inventory module so that my physical inventory checklist will be correct.

    Is there a way to do what without posting to the GL?

    1. Yes Julia, you can definitely do that.
      As you mentioned above, on the Inventory > Transaction Entry.
      After you enter the transaction details, save them to a batch. Then, click on the arrow next to the "Batch ID" field, this will open "Inventory Batch Entry" window, on which you will find a check box (Post to General Ledger), uncheck this option and post the batch accordingly to update the inventory without affecting the GL.

      Never hesitate to share any further inquiries,

  5. I could use some help with U of M. Is anybody available to help?

  6. How do you enter a UOM that is a fraction of a single unit. 1 rod is equal to 1/4 a mini roll.
