
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Customer Combiner Utility


The customer combiner utility is used to combine an existing customer to another existing customer, the source customer is removed from the system while summary information are recalculated for the destination customer, and here’s a detailed illustration of what happens.

1- Customer Card

The two customer apparently have different details in customer card, which can be categorized as below;

  • Informational Fields (name, short name, address, country, city, payment terms …etc.)
  • Accounts (AR, Sales, Cost of Sales …etc.)
  • Options (Credit Limit, Maximum Write off, Minimum Payment, Rate type, statement cycle ..etc. )

All the details of the source customer are removed from the system, while the destination customer card is remained as is.

For instance, credit limit of the destination is not updated to be the sum of both, and the same as well for all definition fields.



If the two customers are assigned to different currencies, you will not be able to combine them unless both of them are assigned to the same currency.

2- Customer Summary

The summary information (RM00103) are updated for the destination customer to be the sum of both such as (Customer Balance, Aging per amount, Total sales LTD, YTD… etc.)



3- Customer Transactions

All the transactions’ details are kept the same with no update on any of the fields. Only the Customer ID field of the source customer is updated with the id of the destination customer.

In this essence, the destination customer will have the balance of both (as shown above) and the unapplied amount (current transaction amount) of both as well.




Best Regards,
Mahmoud M. AlSaadi


  1. If two customers have the same ship-to-address-code, will that introduce a primary key violation when using the customer combiner tool? If so, how are duplicates resolved?

    1. I don't believe it will create a duplicate error. One will override the other for sure, which is the source as I assume.

      Best Regards,

    2. In this case overwrite is undesirable. Two customers merged and we'd like to combine their ship-to locations.
      Can the ship-to-addr-code be edited before merging? Even ones with history?

    3. Everything is possible :)
      But to be honest, I have never tried that

      Best Regards,

  2. is it possible to trace merged vendors? Thank you!
