
Monday, December 2, 2013

GP Cards Configuration – Automated Paperless Solution (2 of 2)


In the previous post, GP Cards Configuration – Automated Paperless Solution (1 of 2) the proposed solution has been illustrated without digging into considerable details. In this post, practical cases studies on both; Item Card and Vendor Card are illustrated.

Item Card Configuration | InfoPath Form

The following template represents how “Item Card Form” can be automated with InfoPath designer. Rules are validations are built in the form to ensure that only correct data is entered.

The InfoPath form is divided into four basic sections, each of them is dedicated to receive data from a certain node of the approval chain.

  1. Item card details: this section should be filled out by any employee in the company who deals with new items. It could be the warehouse keeper, purchasing clerk, production supervisor… etc.
  2. First Level Approval: this section is dedicated to retrieve the first level approval.
  3. Second Level Approval: in case there is more than one approval to configure a new item on the system, this section is dedicated to retrieve the second approval.
  4. GP Item Card Configuration: once all approvals are corrected, GP administrator can proceed with the configuration of the item on the system, and fill out the fields within this section accordingly.

On the form completion, a notification mail should be forwarded to all associated parties within the company including the “new item code” and associated details.


Below, is the illustration of the various rules that can be applied on the form as part of the validation layer.




Vendor Configuration | InfoPath Form

In addition to the form above, another template is provided below that represents the automation of the vendor card of Dynamics GP.



Following with the same criteria, customer, fixed asset and GL Account template can be created on InfoPath along with the validation layer accordingly.

Once the InfoPath for is designed and created. It won’t take more than a few minutes to publish the form into SharePoint document library.

In SharePoint Designer, workflow steps can be outlined to ensure that the old-fashioned paper base system is replaced with an effective automated solution.

Best Regards,
Mahmoud M. AlSaadi

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